
Why Does Coffee Make Me Nauseous? 6 Factors
Does your morning cuppa ever leave you feeling queasier than you expected? Here are 6 reasons why you might feel sick after coffee.

Should You Drink Coffee When Sick? 5 Factors To Consider
Are you counting on coffee to save you from your symptoms? Here are five reasons you might not want to drink coffee while sick.

10 Signs Your Gut Is Healing
When your gut is out of balance, you’ll know. Your body will tell you loud and clear by giving you bad digestion, acne and eczema, chronic fatigue, and even mental...

Low on Dose?

Does Collagen Cause Constipation? A Side Effects Guide
Have you ever noticed your digestive system feeling a little slow after taking collagen? We know digestive movements aren’t a normal topic of conversation, but we’d like to challenge that...

What To Add to Coffee for Weight Loss: 5 Ingredients
If you’re trying to lose weight, chances are, you’re already doing everything you can. Counting carbs and cutting calories? Check. Hitting the gym and getting better sleep? Double check. However,...

How To Reduce Inflammation in the Body Fast: 7 Ways
If you wake up feeling groggy and unmotivated, it could just be that you’ve had a rough night of sleep. Or, if this has become a pattern over the past...

How To Get Caffeine Out of Your System To Sleep
If your 2 P.M. coffee is turning bedtime into a nightmare, there’s hope. Our team shares some tips on how to sleep even after a late cup of coffee.

Can Coffee Cause Lightheadedness? 5 Factors That Might Cause It
Have you ever felt a little woozy after finishing your second (or third) cup of coffee? Read on to learn why it happens and what you can do about it.

The Perfect Keto Coffee Recipe
Going keto and want to meet your macros? Here’s how you can enjoy a high-fat cup of coffee that’s still packed with flavor.

How To Get Rid of Caffeine Jitters: 5 Remedies
Caffeine jitters are no fun, but you don’t have to just suffer through them. Here are five ways you can kick the jitters to the curb.

How To Use More of Your Brain
Do you want to unlock your full potential? Here’s a list of neurologist-backed ways to use more of your brain (hint: it’s easier than you might think).

Coffee Nausea: Why It Happens and How To Fix It
Do you ever feel a little topsy-turvy after drinking your morning cup of coffee? Here’s why it happens and what you can do about it.

4 Ways To Get Rid of Coffee Jitters
So, you drank too much coffee and now you have the jitters. Here’s how you can get rid of them and avoid them in the first place.

6 Benefits of Drinking Water Before Coffee
Should you really drink a glass of water before enjoying your morning cup of joe? Read on for all of the information you need to know.

Can You Drink Coffee While Sick? What the Experts Say
When you’re feeling sick, sometimes all you want is a warm cup of coffee. Our team discusses the benefits and drawbacks of drinking coffee while sick.

ADHD and Afternoon Crashes: Is There a Connection?
Do you ever feel like falling asleep or zoning out about halfway through your day? Here’s how ADHD might be a hidden cause of your afternoon crashes.

Does Matcha Lower Blood Sugar? A Scientific Look
Matcha is everyone’s favorite tea — after all, it’s easy to love a drink that shows so much love in return. Some people drink matcha for its delicious earthy flavor,...

Does Coffee Cause Bloating?
Do you ever feel bloated after you’ve had coffee? Let’s talk about why that happens and how you can avoid it withoutgiving up your cup of joe.

8 Best Natural Stimulants According to Science
Have you ever juggled so many responsibilities that you felt like you needed an extra hand (or brain)? These days, many people throw back an energy drink to get the...

Chai vs. Matcha: History, Flavor, Benefits and More
Matcha and chai are nothing new — in fact, both have been around for hundreds of years. However, over the past decade, both drinks have become more and more mainstream....

6 Ways To Improve Mental Clarity
We all have moments where it feels like our brains glitch a little bit. For instance, we’ve all lost our keys and forgotten an appointment or two. However, when this...

13 Female-Specific Matcha Benefits for Women
We already know about matcha’s general health benefits, but how can it help women specifically? Hint: There are more ways than one.

Does Matcha Help With Bloating?
No one likes to feel bloated. Read on to learn whether matcha is a match for bloating and how you can try it for yourself.

12 Matcha Health Benefits For Men
Step aside, coffee — there’s a new morning pick-me-up in town. Click here to learn more about matcha and how it can benefit men in particular.

8 Foods To Heal Your Gut After Taking Antibiotics
Medicine has come a long way, and one of the crowning achievements of the past hundred years of medical research is antibiotics. Thanks to antibiotics, illnesses that used to be...

The 5 Best Weight Loss Drinks, According to Experts
Most things are easier said than done, but weight management is especially so. If you’ve ever tried to lose a few pounds, you probably remember how hard it can be...

How To Improve Gut Health, According to Experts
Gut health is currently a hot topic in the wellness community — and for a good reason. As it turns out, gut health is basically the foundation for every other...

Gut Health and Depression: Is There a Scientific Connection?
If you’re feeling the signs of depression, you’re not alone — about 21 million Americans experience depression each year. Interestingly, about 60 to 70 million Americans are estimated to struggle...

Gut Health and Acne: What Does the Science Say?
Is there really anything worse than waking up with an unexpected pimple? It’s like our skin saves these acne breakouts specifically for important occasions like a big presentation or a...

Eczema and Gut Health: What Does the Research Say?
Dry skin is pretty common, especially as the weather starts to cool down and the air becomes more dry. However, eczema isn’t the same as normal dry skin, and it...

Collagen for Gut Health: How It Helps, According to Experts
Every now and then, we run across a supplement that really does it all. While hyper-specific supplements can work wonders in their niche (for instance, lion’s mane mushroom for focus),...

The 4 Worst Foods for Gut Health
If you’re experiencing skin problems, feelings of anxiety, poor digestion, and fatigue, you might feel overwhelmed trying to figure out which issue to target first. However, in many cases, the...

The 10 Best Nootropics, According to Experts
We’ve all had moments where we just weren’t operating at the top of our game. Maybe it’s from a lack of sleep, stress at work, or even just simple burnout....

Is Matcha Good for Weight Loss? The Research on EGCG
Losing weight sounds so simple on paper, but in reality, it can be pretty difficult. Maybe you struggle to maintain a consistent exercise routine, or maybe you’ve simply hit a...

Matcha Detox: How It Works
Many people engage in spring cleaning — a deep, thorough clean of all the nooks and crannies of their homes to refresh their living space for the year ahead. But...

Can You Drink Matcha While Breastfeeding? What Research Says
If you’re breastfeeding, congratulations! You have made it through pregnancy and are now enjoying life with your new baby. There are many perks of breastfeeding, including the ability to reintroduce...

Marine Collagen vs. Bovine Collagen
Navigating the world of supplements can feel a little like being in a foreign country, especially once you get into the nuances of each supplement. For instance, you might know...

L-Theanine and ADHD: What the Science Says
Many people know exactly why they’re feeling scattered, unfocused, and foggy. Maybe they stayed up a little too late, had one too many drinks, or ate one too many sweets....

Does L-Theanine Help Sleep? Facts and Dosage
We’ve all had nights where sleep seems like a distant dream. Many of us give up after hours of tossing and turning, desperately purchasing any sleep aid that promises relief....

L-Theanine Benefits, Dosage, Sources, and More
If you’ve been feeling a little foggy, tired, and stressed recently, you’re not alone. Plenty of people feel this way, and it doesn’t always mean you’re doing something wrong. Sometimes...

Is Collagen Good for Men? The Benefits
If you’ve tuned in to the wellness community recently, you’ve probably heard a thing or two about collagen. This protein is going viral for its ability to support hair, skin,...

Does Collagen Help Hair? What the Science Says
Hair is one of the most important parts of our appearance — even simply changing our haircut or hairstyle can affect how people see us. However, despite how much we...

Matcha vs. Coffee: Which Has More Caffeine?
Ah, sweet caffeine. If you need a dose or two of caffeine to make it through the day, you’re not alone — 64 percent of Americans drink at least one...

Is Matcha Keto-Friendly?
If you’ve ever tried a diet like keto, paleo, or even vegan, then you probably know that the benefits can be amazing. However, as you likely already know, finding the...

Glucosamine vs. Collagen: What the Science Says
Old age isn’t the only reason you might feel a little sore in the joints. Your knees might feel strained after a hard day in the gym, a long walk...

L-Theanine vs. Tyrosine: What the Science Says
Sometimes, it can feel like a million things are shouting for our attention. When you consider that many people try to balance work, fun, chores, and self-care, it makes sense...

L-Theanine vs. Ashwagandha: Comparing the Health Benefits
Most of us juggle a few different responsibilities in life. We go to work, do chores around the house, try to stay active, meet up with friends, nurture hobbies, and...

Collagen vs. Creatine: What the Science Says
Are you hitting the gym and wanting to maximize your gains? Or, have you finally gotten into a good routine and are looking to increase your performance in the gym?...

Type 1 vs. Type 2 Collagen: What's the Difference?
So, you went to the store and bought a collagen supplement to help your skin look firm and your gut feel better. But, when you got home, you saw that...

7 Mushroom Benefits for Women: Uses for Health
Medicinal mushrooms are coming in hot. It seems like every day, there are new mushroom supplements to try — and of course, all of them claim to support health in...