The 5 Best Weight Loss Drinks, According to Experts

Most things are easier said than done, but weight management is especially so. If you’ve ever tried to lose a few pounds, you probably remember how hard it can be to stay motivated and make daily choices to support your health.
One way you can make the weight loss process a little more accessible is by making use of a few tricks like weight loss drinks. Read on to learn how weight loss works, the best drinks for weight loss, and how else you can support your weight goals.
What Is the Science Behind Weight Loss?
First, how does weight loss even work? Basically, weight loss comes down to one simple concept: calories in, calories out.
If your overall energy expenditure is greater than your calorie intake, your body will use up your fat stores as fuel. On the other hand, if you eat more calories than you burn, you’ll experience some weight gain. Because of this, most people approach weight loss from the calorie side (eating fewer calories), the energy side (working out), or a combination of both.
Of course, there are also a few other things to keep in mind. While you could theoretically lose body weight by eating 1,400 calories of donuts and burning 1,600 calories in the gym, it isn’t as simple as you’d think — the quality of what you eat also matters.
If you’re eating primarily carbohydrates, your metabolism might be slow and you might not see the results you’re looking for. We’re not saying carbs are bad — we’re just saying that they need to be properly balanced with protein and fats in order to have a healthy diet.
This brings us to one of the last things to consider. Even if your metabolism is slow, there are ways you can speed it up. For instance, exercise can boost your metabolism. As your metabolism speeds up, you’ll burn calories more efficiently and see some other wellness benefits.
If you are considering restricting calories, it’s important to work with a nutritionist or dietitian and make sure you follow the medical advice given to you by your doctor. Weight loss programs are not one size fits all, and you need to follow a program designed with your exercise levels, dietary restrictions, and health goals in mind.
5 Best Weight Loss Drinks
Now that we’ve discussed the science of weight loss, we can dive into the real reason we’re all here: how to make losing weight easier. Here are a few low-calorie beverages you can try to help yourself lose weight.
1. Water
Good, old-fashioned water is at the top of our list because it’s one of the most important things you can put into your body when it comes to losing belly fat. Dehydration can slow down your metabolism, which can make losing weight much harder. It can also cause fluid retention, which can make you look bloated.
In general, it’s recommended to drink 12 to 15 glasses of water per day. This number also includes tea, coffee, or any other drink made with water. You can also reach this number by eating lots of water-rich fruits and veggies. If you have a hard time drinking water, try flavoring it with berries, lemons, or cucumbers.
2. Green Tea
Not only is green tea made with water, but it can also support your weight loss journey in specific ways. For instance, green tea has a specific compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
This compound has powerful antioxidant properties and can have numerous health benefits. When it comes to weight loss, this compound can support a healthy metabolism and encourage fat oxidation.
While green tea is a great source of EGCG, there’s even more of it in matcha, a drink made from powdered green tea leaves. That’s just one of many reasons why we’ve included it in our Mushroom Matcha+. Plus, our blend features extra L-theanine to help encourage a good night’s sleep.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Some small studies suggest that drinking 10 to 15 mL of apple cider vinegar per day can support fat loss. It can also support healthy blood sugar, which may further encourage weight loss. Beyond its fat-burning potential, apple cider vinegar can also help detox the body and reduce bloating.
Many people take their apple cider vinegar in the morning before a meal by diluting it in water. You can even add some honey to sweeten the deal. If you still have a hard time enjoying the tangy taste of vinegar, you can try taking some apple cider vinegar capsule supplements each morning instead.
4. Black Coffee
Yup, you heard us right — your favorite coffee could help support your weight loss journey. Black coffee is a low-calorie drink that can also help you feel energized when you hit the gym. It’s a win-win! Plus, it can support your overall health in many ways.
However, coffee can also come with side effects. If you drink too much coffee, the caffeine can cause shakiness, anxiety, and an upset stomach.
That’s why our Mushroom Coffee+ only contains 40 mg of caffeine per serving. It’s also made with lion’s mane and chaga mushrooms to help support mental clarity and immunity.
5. Protein Shakes
Finally, protein shakes can be a great tool to help you achieve your weight loss goals. These shakes are designed to curb your cravings and encourage satiety so that you don’t eat more calories than you spend.
There are plenty of pre-packaged options, but you can also make your own high-protein smoothies with some protein powder. While many people opt for whey or plant-based protein, you can also try taking collagen protein.
When you’re shopping for a protein powder or shake, just beware of added sugars. Many shakes are also high in carbs, which may not be a helpful fat burner.
The Bottom Line
There are plenty of ways you can support weight loss, but like most health-related things, it comes down to making everyday changes for the long term. One of these changes can be what drinks you choose to sip throughout the day.
Water, green tea, apple cider vinegar, black coffee, and protein shakes are all great options that can quench your thirst and also help you burn body fat. Learn more about how you can support your metabolism when you visit the Everyday Dose blog today!
Water: How much should you drink every day? | Mayo Clinic