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Is Matcha Good for Weight Loss? The Research on EGCG

Is Matcha Good for Weight Loss? The Research on EGCG

Losing weight sounds so simple on paper, but in reality, it can be pretty difficult. Maybe you struggle to maintain a consistent exercise routine, or maybe you’ve simply hit a weight plateau and nothing seems to make the scale budge. 

No matter why your weight loss journey has stalled, you may be able to start it back up again with a simple cup (or two) of matcha tea. In this article, we’ll discuss how matcha can support weight loss, how much of it to drink, and how else you can find success.

How Can Matcha Support Weight Loss?

Matcha is so much more than a cup of tea — it’s a verifiable powerhouse of benefits you can’t find anywhere else thanks to its unique compounds. Matcha is a powdered form of green tea that contains caffeine, L-theanine, chlorophyll, and catechins. 

In particular, matcha contains a catechin called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). This catechin has very powerful antioxidant properties and can also have some major health benefits. Let’s dive into the research behind matcha and EGCG.

Encourages Thermogenesis

Thermogenesis might sound like a fancy word you probably memorized in high school chemistry, but it really just refers to our body’s ability to make heat. Caffeine in general can support thermogenesis, but matcha goes above and beyond other caffeinated beverages. The process of creating heat uses up a lot of energy, so supporting this process can help our bodies efficiently use calories and burn fat.

Supports Fat Oxidation

Fat oxidation is the process by which our bodies burn fat. This happens naturally when we use more energy than we eat and our bodies turn to stored fat for an alternative source of fuel. 

One study found that drinking matcha could support the fat oxidation process during exercise. The difference was small but definitely noticeable. If you’ve hit a wall in your weight loss journey, you might want to try drinking a cup of matcha about half an hour before you hit the gym.

Supports Satiety

Perhaps the hardest part of sticking to a diet is saying “no” to your favorite treats. We do well in the beginning, but then we have one cheat day… and then another. Before we know it, we’ve totally blown our diet plan.

Luckily, EGCG can help you feel fuller for longer, ultimately helping you reduce your calorie intake. One study even showed that drinking matcha helped participants curb cravings for their favorite treats.

How Much Matcha Should You Drink for Weight Loss?

Matcha can help you lose weight, but it’s important to remember that it shouldn’t be the only thing you’re relying on to achieve your goals. Think of matcha more as a helping hand than the actual thing that’s making you lose weight.

You might want to start with one or two cups of our Mushroom Matcha+ a day and see how you feel. If you feel great, maybe try to drink a cup with lunch and breakfast, as well as a small cup of matcha before you exercise.

The main thing to be aware of is your caffeine intake. Matcha doesn’t have as much caffeine as coffee, but the caffeine can still add up as you drink more and more matcha. 

Make sure you’re keeping an eye on your health, and scale down your intake if you start noticing symptoms like anxiety, sweating, racing heartbeat, jitters, and nausea. If you’re not sure whether drinking matcha is safe for you, it doesn’t hurt to talk to a doctor. This is especially important if you have any preexisting health conditions or take any medications.

How Else Can You Support Weight Loss?

As we mentioned earlier, matcha is more like the cherry on top of a good weight loss program than the actual program itself. Let’s take a look at a few other practices that could make a difference in your weight loss routine.


Calories in, calories out, baby. The basic rule of weight loss is that you should try to burn more calories than you eat — which, for most people, requires some form of consistent exercise.

The key word here is consistency. Find an exercise program that you genuinely love and are excited to do, and you won’t have to drag yourself out of bed each time you need to hit the gym. Try going for outdoor runs, doing pilates classes with friends, or taking a dance class.

Eat a Balanced Diet

This is another key point in any weight loss program. It’s not just about the amount of calories you’re eating — it’s about the quality of those calories, too. You might still lose weight if you fill your diet with processed foods and sugar, but the inflammation that can come along with these dietary choices will likely cause the weight to come back the moment you stop exercising.

Manage Stress

Stress can cause even the most physically fit people to put on weight. This is because stress can disrupt your sleep, cause cravings for junk food, increase your appetite, and slow down your metabolism.

You can manage your stress by practicing meditation, trying some yoga, journaling, or making time to relax from work. It may also be a good idea to schedule some time with a counselor or therapist to learn stress-relieving techniques you can incorporate into your day-to-day life.

The Bottom Line

Matcha isn’t just the world’s most delicious tea (we think so, at least) — it can also help support the effectiveness of your weight loss journey. The compounds in matcha green tea can help the body use more energy, burn fat, and fight cravings.

Don’t just take our word for it, though. We may be crazy about matcha, but that’s just because we know how powerful it can be. Try our Mushroom Matcha+ (or any of our mushroom blends) for yourself to see what benefits you experience!


Green tea and thermogenesis: interactions between catechin-polyphenols, caffeine and sympathetic activity | PubMed

Matcha Green Tea Drinks Enhance Fat Oxidation During Brisk Walking in Females | PubMed

EGCG Reduces Obesity and White Adipose Tissue Gain Partly Through AMPK Activation in Mice | FrontiersIn

Does green tea affect postprandial glucose, insulin and satiety in healthy subjects: a randomized controlled trial | PubMed

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