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10 Short Term Memory Exercises

10 Short Term Memory Exercises

We’ve all had those moments when we forget why we walked into the room or forget where we set something (didn’t we just have it?). When you feel like your brain’s gone AFK, don’t worry too much — it just means you need to strengthen your short-term memory.

Luckily, being forgetful now doesn’t mean you need to be forgetful later. Read on to learn 10 exercises to help you improve your short-term memory, as well as a few other tips on how to support your memory-making skills.

What Is Short-Term Memory?

Think of short-term memory like your brain's sticky note — it’s great for jotting down quick info, but not meant to last forever. It's how you remember where you parked, what you walked into the kitchen for, or what you need from the grocery store. 

However, this mental scratchpad can only hold a handful of details for about 15 to 30 seconds. Anything beyond that gets committed to long-term memory, where it can be a bit trickier to conjure up.

10 Exercises To Improve Short-Term Memory

The good news is that, just like your muscles, your memory can bulk up with the right exercises. Here are 10 exercises that can help.

1. Brain Teasers

Brain teasers are like a HIIT workout for your mind. Crosswords, Sudoku, or even strategy games like chess puzzles trick your brain into flexing its memory muscles. Just 10 minutes a day can boost short-term recall and focus. As a bonus, you get to feel like a genius when you finally crack that tricky puzzle.

2. Mnemonic Techniques

Have you ever used "Never Eat Soggy Waffles" to remember the compass directions? That's a great example of a mnemonic trick, and it works like a charm. Whether you're turning grocery lists into rhymes or using acronyms to memorize names, these mental hacks help your brain lock in information faster. It's basically giving your memory a cheat code.

3. Go for a Walk

Taking a quick stroll — especially in nature — boosts blood flow to the brain, giving your memory a little energy boost. Even a 10-minute walk can clear brain fog and help you recall information faster. Plus, if you forget what you were thinking about mid-walk, at least you're getting your steps in.

4. Number and Word Recall

Memorizing random lists or number sequences might feel like mental torture at first, but it’s a surefire way to strengthen short-term memory. The more you practice, the faster your brain gets at holding onto information — like remembering your coworker’s coffee order or the name of that one actor from that one show... you know the one.

5. Stay Mindful

If you’ve ever walked into a room and forgotten why you're there, mindfulness could be the secret weapon your brain's been begging for. Simple techniques like deep breathing or guided meditation help your brain stay present and focused, making it easier to actually remember what you're doing in the moment. 

6. Object Memory Game

Lay out a few random objects, give them a quick once-over, then cover them up and see how many you can remember. It's a simple but powerful way to train your brain to notice and recall details faster. Plus, it might just help you remember where you left your keys next time they pull a disappearing act. As you get better at the game, you can add more items until you’re a memory pro.

7. Learn New Skills

Whether it's learning a new language, playing an instrument, or finally figuring out how to make sourdough, challenging your mind to learn something unfamiliar boosts memory and cognitive function. The trick is to keep your brain guessing — the harder the skill, the better the mental workout. If you can, dedicate about 15 minutes a day to learning your skill.

8. Count Backwards

Counting backward might sound like a punishment from your third-grade math teacher, but it’s secretly a memory-boosting exercise. Whether you're counting down from 100 by threes or sevens, this simple exercise forces your brain to hold information while working through a task. The best part is that you can sneak it into boring moments like waiting in line or pretending to listen to a work meeting.

9. Spot the Difference Games

Remember those “spot the difference puzzles” from childhood? Turns out, they weren’t just busywork — they were training your brain to spot details and strengthen visual memory. Regularly playing these games helps improve focus, observation skills, and short-term recall. 

10. Card Matching Games

Card matching games are the OG brain-training app. Flipping cards and remembering where each pair is hiding trains visual memory and concentration without feeling like homework. If you don’t have any cards, make your own with some cardstock and some markers.

How Else Can You Support Memory?

These exercises are all fun and games (really, some of them are!), but they will only help so much if you haven’t optimized the rest of your lifestyle for brain health. Read on for a few changes you can make to support your overall health and keep that foggy feeling at bay.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Your brain is quite the diva — it demands premium fuel to perform its best. That means loading up on antioxidant-rich foods, omega-3s, and leafy greens to keep memory sharp. Blueberries, walnuts, and dark chocolate are all part of your brain’s “yes” list.

On the flip side, sugar-packed snacks can crash your focus faster than you can say “brain fog.” If you're trying to remember where you left your keys, start by feeding your brain the good stuff.

Take Brain-Supporting Supplements

Nature has a medicine for everything if you know where to look, and brain health is no different. If you’re feeling a little muddled and befuddled, you can try nootropics like B vitamins, Rhodiola rosea, caffeine, or lion’s mane mushroom.

You can find the latter two in our Mushroom Coffee+. This delicious functional coffee contains 45 mg of caffeine per serving, which is enough to help your focus feel razor-sharp but not so much that you get jitters. Our blend also features lion’s mane to support focus, chaga mushroom to support immune health, L-theanine to encourage feelings of relaxation, and collagen protein to give your skin that woke-up-like-this glow.

Stress Less

Stress isn't just bad for your mood. When your brain's swimming in cortisol, short-term memory also gets shoved to the back of the line. Meditation, deep breathing, or even a few mindful sips of low-caff coffee can help your nervous system chill out. 

The calmer you are, the better your brain can focus, store, and recall information. Think of stress management as your mental filing cabinet — without it, everything just ends up in one big, messy pile.

The Bottom Line

Boosting your short-term memory doesn't have to feel like cramming for a final exam. Whether you're flipping cards, walking around the block, or sipping on our brain-supporting mushroom coffee, small daily exercises can make a big difference. 

The trick is consistency — a little brain training every day keeps the forgetfulness away. And if you want a little extra help, check out our mushroom blends today.


Impact of Several Types of Stresses on Short-term Memory and Apoptosis in the Hippocampus of Rats | PMC

Food for thought: How diet affects the brain over a lifetime | American Heart Association

The Effect of Brain Teaser Games on the Attention of Players Based on Hormonal and Brain Signals Changes | PMC

Short-Term Memory: What It Is, How It Works & Duration | Cleveland Clinic

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