A 6-Step Morning Routine for Success

Do you know someone who seems like they can achieve a week’s worth of productivity in just one day? Even more impressive than that, some of these people seem to operate at maximum productivity without feeling stressed out about it.
A carefully planned morning routine can give anyone a taste of that power — in fact, many successful people say that their morning routine is the reason for their success. But what should be in your morning routine, and how can you get started? Read on for six easy ways to upgrade your morning routine.
Step 1: Wake Up Early and Hydrate
This might be the hardest part, especially if you love to sleep in and stay cozy in bed. This is exactly why getting up early is a great place to start when you’re getting into a new morning routine.
Waking up early can help you feel less stressed since you’ll have more time to get ready for your day. Some studies also show that waking up a few hours earlier can lower anxiety and depression and improve mental performance.
When it comes to choosing a wake-up time, consider how much time you’ll need for the other steps in your morning routine. You’ll also want to make sure you’re getting the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep each night.
Once you wake up, make sure you start your day with a glass of water. Drinking water first thing in the morning can help you stay hydrated, boost your metabolism, and increase your energy. Who wouldn’t want all of those benefits?
Step 2: Move Your Body
Now that you’ve woken up early and are nice and hydrated, it’s time to get moving! When you make exercise a part of your morning routine, it can increase your energy and focus, lighten your mood, and boost your metabolism.
If you’re just getting started, make sure to start slow and work your way up to full workouts. Start with some easy options like light stretching, some yoga, or a brisk walk. Once you feel ready to take on harder workouts, consider working with a personal trainer in the gym or following some YouTube videos at home.
Once you’re done exercising, you’ll want to shower. Instead of letting the water get so hot your mirror steams up (hey, no judgment here!), try taking a cold shower instead. Cold therapy can lower depression and anxiety by stimulating your vagus nerve, increase your metabolism, and lower inflammation in your muscles to help you recover from your workout.
Step 3: Fuel Your Body With a Balanced Breakfast
When you’re in a rush, breakfast is often one of the first things to go on the back burner. Now that you have tons of extra time in the morning, make sure you fuel up with nutritious food!
Aim for a good balance of carbs, fats, and proteins, and include plenty of fiber to help you feel full and energized throughout the day. If you still end up being pressed for time (don’t worry — we all have those days), you can still make a quick veggie smoothie, grab a cup of overnight protein oats, or scramble some eggs before you rush out the door.
If you’re like 62 percent of Americans, you probably drink coffee with your breakfast (or instead of it) every day. However, loading up on caffeine first thing in the morning isn’t the best way to set yourself up for success. If you overdo it on caffeine, you could end up with stress, anxiety, heart palpitations, and jitters.
Instead, opt for a low-caf option like our Mushroom Coffee+. It’ll give you enough energy to help you tackle your day with enthusiasm, but not enough that you’re paralyzed by caffeine side effects.
Step 4: Practice Mindfulness or Meditation
After you’ve worked out and eaten breakfast, take your coffee somewhere cozy and try strengthening your mind/body connection with some meditation. You can use a meditation or breathwork tool like Calm or Othership or simply set aside five minutes to notice the sensations around you. You can even meditate with your coffee!
Meditation can actually lower stress, which makes it a great way to get yourself in the game each morning. If you find your mind wandering during meditation, you can always try journaling, visualizing goals, or practicing gratitude instead.
You can also try incorporating a brain-supporting supplement like our mushroom coffee. This blend features lion’s mane mushroom and L-theanine, which can both help support focus, relaxation, and brain power.
Step 5: Reflect on Personal Growth
Before you step out the door, try setting aside 10 to 15 minutes to reflect on yourself. Take some time to write in a journal or look in the mirror and think about areas you’d like to grow in over the next week, month, or year. Make sure you also take some time to look back on all you’ve accomplished!
It’s also a good idea to set aside some time for personal development like learning, discovering new hobbies, or developing skills. Granted, you might need more than 15 minutes a day to learn about computer programming or knitting (or whatever else you want to learn), but it’s a good place to start.
Step 6: Plan Out Your Day
Finally, make a schedule for your day. Write down everything you need to get done and organize your list in order of priority. Then, make sure you set aside time for all of your high-priority items to ensure you get to them. Lastly, block out some time for deep work — you know, the kind where your phone is on Do Not Disturb and your computer notifications are turned off.
Some people prefer doing this in the evening so that when they wake up, their day is already planned out. However, if you have more mental clarity in the morning, it might be best to plan your day over breakfast. At the very least, double-check the plans you made in the evening and make sure they still line up with your goals for the day.
The Bottom Line
So, there you have it — the simple secret to help you be successful overnight. Okay, that might be a bit dramatic, but still — these six steps are like a recipe that can help you transform your mornings and make the most of each day.
Remember that you don’t have to dive into all six steps right away. Instead, you can start with one or two, adding another every so often to help you ease into the new routine.
Of course, having the right routine isn’t the only way to supercharge your morning — you also need the right fuel. If you’re looking for razor-sharp focus, extra motivation, and some zen to top it all off, try one of our mushroom blends today.
Benefits of Waking Up Early | Sleep Foundation
Water: Essential for your body | Mayo Clinic Health System
How Much Sleep Do You Really Need? | National Sleep Foundation
Five Benefits of Exercising in the Morning | Piedmont Healthcare
6 cold shower benefits to consider | UCLA Health
NCA releases 2020 National Coffee Data Trends, the "Atlas of American Coffee” | NCAUSA
Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress | Mayo Clinic