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Crack the Sleep Code: Holistic Solutions to Common Sleep Problems

The Everyday Dose Team
10 min read

In the whirlwind that's modern life, snagging that sweet, uninterrupted sleep can feel like winning the lottery. But let’s face it: you shouldn’t need a jackpot to enjoy what’s essential.

We want to empower you with accessible options to conquer common sleep complaints, and offer natural methods to address them, backed by science. 

Let's dive in:

You Have Trouble Falling Sleeping

The time it takes to fall asleep, or sleep latency, can sometimes be a challenging process. This often linked to a hyperarousal of the central nervous system, an imbalance in melatonin and cortisol, or external factors such as stress.

Our body's internal clock, or circadian rhythm, also plays a pivotal role in determining our sleep patterns. This rhythm is influenced by external cues like light and temperature. When this rhythm is disrupted, our body might struggle to recognize sleep signals.

Beat the Bedtime Blues

  • Yoga Nidra/NSDR Protocols: These techniques offer deep relaxation and help recalibrate the body's sleep response.
  • Worry Journal Routine: By offloading anxieties onto paper, one can mentally declutter and facilitate a calm environment for sleep.
  • Cool the Room: A cooler room mimics the body's natural drop in temperature during sleep, promoting quicker sleep onset. 
You Keep Waking Up in the Middle of the Night

Waking up at 2 AM with a spark of genius for your next ad campaign? Great! Or is it?

Occasionally waking up in the middle of the night isn't alarming. In fact, it's natural. However, being awake for over 25 minutes or experiencing frequent interruptions warrants attention. Sleep efficiency, or the quality of sleep, often matters more than quantity.

Hibernate, undisturbed:

  1. Aromatherapy: No, it’s not just for spas. It’s a backstage pass to uninterrupted sleep.
  2. Hydrate Wisely: Love water? Me too. But cutting down before bedtime? Fewer interruptions and deeper sleep.
  3. The Pre-Sleep Power Routine: A calming playlist, a chapter of a good book – set the scene for success.
Oops. You Pulled An All Nighter. How Do You Make Up For It?

The bad news, you can't. You can't undue the damage done by missing a night of sleep, however, you can support your body on getting back on track as soon as possible. 

While it may be tempting to compensate with daytime sleeping, lots of coffee, or staying inside all day are actually doing more harm than good for your circadian rhythm. Here's what to try instead: 

  • Nap Power: Opt for a 20-minute rejuvenation session. Just enough to revitalize, never to oversleep.
  • Greet the Sun: Step into morning sunlight. Natural light kicks the brain into 'active' mode.
  • Coffee? Be Smart: Caffeine's great, but time it right. Keep it strictly AM.
No Matter How Much You Sleep, You Always Wake Up Tired

Clocking those recommended hours, yet feeling like you’ve run a marathon? Quality, as it turns out, trumps quantity.

  • Tech Insight: Wearable sleep tech? More like your nighttime detective. Unearth what disrupts your sleep.
  • Eat, Drink, Sleep: Magnesium, Vitamin D, Omega-3s. They’re the holy trinity for restful nights and zestful mornings.
  • Stay Active: Daily workouts? They pump more than just blood. They guarantee quality sleep.
  • Watch that Nightcap: A little booze might seem sleep-friendly but don't be fooled. Keep it in check.

Take Action with Everyday Dose

Begin transforming your life through new habits to support deeper, more restful sleep.

Everyday Dose was created to support focus, calm, and long-term neurochemical balance with reduced caffeine, functional mushrooms, and nootropics.

By starting your day with superfoods such as Lion’s Mane and Chaga mushrooms, Collagen Protein, and L-theanine, instead of jitter- & anxiety-inducing normal coffee, you’re sleep may feel different at night. Try Everyday Dose today and see for yourself!

The Everyday Dose Team
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