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Best Times to Drink Mushroom Coffee

Best Times to Drink Mushroom Coffee

If mushroom coffee is your new favorite drink, we can’t blame you — we’re kind of obsessed with it, too. Once you start feeling the benefits, it’s hard not to drink it throughout the day. 

You might be wondering if there’s a certain time of day that really highlights the benefits of mushroom coffee. Read on to learn more about when to drink mushroom coffee, whether you can drink it at night, and how to sleep better when you drink mushroom coffee in the evening.

When Is the Best Time To Drink Mushroom Coffee?

When it comes to mushroom coffee, there are short-term effects and long-term effects. The long-term effects in areas like gut health, mental health, and immunity tend to show up after a month or more of taking mushroom coffee.

To experience these long-term benefits, consistency is key. Pick a time to drink your mushroom coffee that you know you’ll remember every day.

The short-term benefits in areas like focus and relaxation may be noticeable shortly after drinking your mushroom coffee, although you may still see greater benefits over time. To experience these short-term benefits, try drinking your mushroom coffee about an hour before a study session, work presentation, or stressful event.

Can You Drink Mushroom Coffee at Night?

Our Mushroom Coffee+ only has 40 mg of caffeine per serving, which is over 50 percent less than your average cup of coffee. Because of the lower caffeine content, you might be wondering if you can drink it at night.

Of course, you can drink our mushroom coffee whenever you want — we’re not here to tell you what to do. That said, we specifically chose to include this amount of caffeine because of the way it can still support feelings of energy and focus without causing jitters and other caffeine side effects. It might not be as much caffeine as a regular cup of coffee, but it can still keep you awake past your bedtime.

Caffeine works by blocking receptors in your brain that can help you feel tired. The hormones and neurotransmitters that signal sleepiness still build up in your system, though, which is why caffeine can cause such a strong “crash” feeling as it leaves your bloodstream.

Caffeine also has a half-life of up to six hours. This means that six hours after you drink coffee, half of the caffeine is still circulating in your system. Drinking coffee as late as 2 P.M. or 3 P.M. can affect your sleep quality if you go to bed around 9 P.M.

What Can You Drink Besides Mushroom Coffee at Night?

If you don’t want to disrupt your sleep but you’d really love a warm drink to enjoy as you wind down for the evening, there are plenty of options you can try. For instance, dandelion root and chicory tea both have earthy, slightly bitter tastes that are similar to coffee.

Meanwhile, chamomile and valerian teas are known for their tranquilizing effects and can help you sleep more deeply. If you want something a bit more substantial, warm bone broth or milk can help fill you up before you fall asleep.

How Can You Support Sleep After Drinking Mushroom Coffee?

If you accidentally drink coffee too close to your bedtime, you may have a harder time falling asleep. However, you don’t have to be doomed to a long and sleepless night. Here are a few ways you can encourage high-quality sleep.

Have a Consistent Bedtime Routine

Having a bedtime routine you practice every evening can help your brain know that it’s time for bed. You might consider trying calming activities like relaxing yoga, reading a book, writing in a journal, or meditating. Even if you don’t have tons of time in the evenings, simple activities like skincare, putting on pajamas, and brushing your teeth are still considered a bedtime routine.

Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene refers to the practice of making conscious choices to support sleep and avoid things that will disrupt your sleep. While everything in this list is technically part of good sleep hygiene, you may also want to avoid potential disruptors like blue light, heavy meals, alcohol, and exercise about two hours before bed.

Set Up Your Room for Sleep

Having a cozy environment to sleep in can also send signals to your brain that it’s time to sleep. Try turning the temperature down in your room, installing blackout curtains, running a diffuser with calming scents, and making your bed comfortable and warm.

Follow a Sleep Schedule

Finally, you can support your circadian rhythm by following a sleep schedule. Your circadian rhythm is your body’s biological clock — it’s how your body knows when to wake up and when to go to sleep. 

You can help set your biological clock by waking up and going to bed around the same times every day, even on weekends. If you try to stay up late and sleep in on weekends, you can disrupt your circadian rhythm, which might make your brain confused as to when you’re supposed to feel tired.

The Bottom Line

Mushroom coffee is delicious — so delicious, in fact, that you can easily get into the habit of drinking two or three cups throughout the day. However, our Mushroom Coffee+ still contains a functional amount of caffeine and may keep you awake if you drink it too late. To avoid this, you may want to drink your mushroom coffee before 3 P.M.

We personally enjoy drinking our mushroom coffee with breakfast and about an hour before we’ll need to feel extra focused or relaxed. To learn more about how mushroom coffee works and what its benefits are, visit the Everyday Dose blog today.


Caffeine & Sleep: How Long Does Caffeine Last & Keep You Awake? | Houston Methodist On Health

Does Chamomile Tea Make You Sleep? | The Sleep Foundation

What is Sleep Hygiene? | Better Sleep Council

Understanding Circadian Rhythms | National Sleep Foundation

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